Tuesday, October 9, 2018

God Help You

To Michael Erwin, Max Kirishima and the Deceased Chortkoff:

Your fate is sealed in eternity, unless you repent and restore. It's too late
for Rand Chortkoff - he has met his Maker and is rotting in hell.

To Michael Erwin and Max Kirishima, this, too, is your ultimate destiny.
I would certainly hate to be standing in your shoes on Judgment Day.
You have destroyed dreams and ruined lives with your greedy, evil schemes.
You will have much to answer for and everything to lose. You may feel that
you have "won" by fleecing and robbing people of their hard-earned savings,
retirement funds and inheritance. No, YOU have lost, big time. And your
final pay day is coming. I so pity you.

"Vengence is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay." You WILL NOT escape His
wrath. All the pretty things, beautiful houses and vehicles, etc., etc., will lie
in ashes while you burn in hell. Was it really worth it??? What fools. 
"What profit is there if you gain the whole world - and lose eternal life?"
Matt. 16:26.