Saturday, May 30, 2020

Update - Samuel Braslau Has Escaped From Custody

May 30, 2020
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Long Beach Residential Reentry Management Office
P.O. Box 323
San Pedro, CA 90733-0323
Phone: (310) 732-5179

Bette Anderson
       Register Number: 67470-112
       Docket Number: 14-CR-00044

Dear Bette Anderson:

This notice is to inform you that SAMUEL BRASLAU has escaped from custody as of May 30, 2020. Due to the nature of this information, notification was also provided to you telephonically. Be advised, appropriate notifications have been made to the law enforcement community and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) will notify you when the inmate is apprehended and returned to federal custody. If the inmate attempts to contact you, please notify your local law enforcement immediately.


Unit Manager