Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Samuel Braslau - Approved Furlough & Release Details

August 08, 2017
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Federal Correctional Complex Lompoc (Medium)
3901 Klein Boulevard
Lompoc, CA 93436
Phone: (805) 735-2771
Fax: (805) 737-3121

Bette Anderson
       Register Number: 67470-112
       Docket Number: 14-CR-00044

Dear Bette Anderson:

This notice is to inform you that SAMUEL BRASLAU has been approved for a furlough. During a furlough, an inmate is authorized to be absent from the institution in order to participate in specified programs or activities. Inmates who participate in furloughs must meet strict eligibility requirements. Inmate BRASLAU has met the eligibility criteria and will be on furlough from this facility from August 21, 2017, to August 22, 2017. While on furlough, the inmate will be in Beverly Hills, California.

In addition to the information provided regarding this offender's furlough, the following information is relevant to the inmate's eventual release. The inmate is scheduled to release on December 24, 2020. The inmate is not eligible for parole. Upon release, the inmate will reside in Beverly Hills, California, and will be supervised by the United States Probation Office at USPO - Central District of California - Los Angeles, United States Courthouse, 6th Floor, 312 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90012-4701. Additionally, The inmate will be released to deal with family affairs. He will return to custody once completed.


I. Garrastazu
Unit Manager


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